Are You Stuck or at a Crossroad?
Renew. Reset. Rebound.

Let Soar EZ Help You Achieve Your Goals.

Soar EZ Consulting

Strengthening Organizations to Attain Results

Personal and Corporate Coaching to Help You and Your Organization Renew, Reset, and Rebound.

Do you or your organization need help to navigate change and rebound from circumstances? SOAR EZ is more than capable of coaching you out of your obstacles and soaring high where you belong. We customize our coaching experiences to help you renew, reset, and rebound.

Using a coaching method embedded in positive psychology, Dr. Scott will provide an environment crafted for you or your organization to imagine and demonstrate high performance.

What is positive psychology?

Positive psychology, a revolutionary area of psychology founded by Dr. Martin Seligman, is the scientific study of what happens when things go right in life. It sheds light on what enables achievement, meaning, resilience, goal attainment, strengths, courage, and optimism. The desired outcome is a fulfilling personal and professional life.

“Sometimes becoming unstuck is just a matter of someone shining a light on the fact that everything you need to win is within.” ~ Dr. Tangier Scott

What We Do

“You can’t fail until you quit and you can’t succeed until you start.”
M. M.


Program Developer

With over 20 years of experience in developing impactful programs, Dr. Scott leads teams through developing research-based programs to meet the needs of organization’s clients. 


Certified Personal and Executive Coaching

Individual and Group Coaching sessions to guide leaders through a proven method to overcome personal and professional setbacks. Dr. Scott’s coaching method is based upon positive psychology  that focuses on character strengths and behaviors that lead to a more purpose-filled life and experiences. 


Workshop Trainer

Dr. Scott facilitates engaging and impactful workshops on a myriad of topics focused on leadership, resilience, conflict resolution, and diversity and inclusion. 

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About Dr. Tangier Scott

For some, retirement marks the official end of employment and the beginning of a life of leisure. Many take a well-deserved break to enjoy life without the hassle of work responsibilities. But I’m not one of them!

Instead, official retirement means freedom to continue my life’s calling of service to others as a certified Personal and Executive Corporate Coach. I’ve founded S.O.A.R. EZ, LLC, to do just that.

S.O.A.R (Strengthening Organizations to Attain Results) targets people and organizations at a crossroads and are looking for a change.

Through S.O.A.R., my clients learn how to:

Renew. Reset. Rebound. 

After nearly 30 years in management, I understand how to get people past “stuck.

By combining my extensive experience and with my education and various training to include, leadership training, conflict resolution, ethics and diversity training with collaborative and empathetic problem-solving, my clients become like eagles – strong, powerful, and brave.

As your coach, we’ll focus on working through the problems or issues that have stopped your momentum personally and professionally. Then, I’ll work with you to find resources and solutions that honor your values and move you from standstill to success.


Companies looking to support executive development can contact me to evaluate existing programs and implement new ones. In addition, I’m a certified Results Oriented and Management Accountability trainer.

As a leadership professional, educator, and mentor, my life prepared me to help you renew, reset, and rebound.

Let’s S.O.A.R.!